Monday, September 7, 2009

Does your blood run pink?

I am SO so excited! I just learned that I can now get my favorite costmetics at my favorite place to shop! I can't believe they have been around since March 2009 and I missed them, but now that I know they are there, I feel I must share the joyful news with you all! Ladies, please take a moment to do something nice for yourself. Help Kristi Linebarger get that pink Cadillac she so richly deserves! Buy something sweet and lovely from this wonderful seller and have a very pink Labour Day!

The Mary Kay products have been removed.
updated 9/11/09

The "Props 2 ya!" page has been amended.


  1. Sent by an anonymous poster (whose post, for some weird reason wouldn't stick).

    Before you put on your Mary Kay makeup, you may want to do your hair

  2. Perhaps the seller was confusing Etsy with Ebay. These days, that is getting easier and easier to do! ;o)


DISCLAIMER: This entire blog is satire, a parody of a certain popular handmade venue. In other words, it's a joke! If you simply *must* contact Betsy Etc to piss and moan about it, please feel free to do so, but understand that you do it at your own risk of being held up for mockery.