Thursday, April 2, 2009

Me thinks the Etsy Bitches made a wee mistake!

Hello dear friends. I do so hate to be a Negative Nellie, but I must disagree with the Etsy Bitch's claims that some of the featured sellers are not worthy of being featured. I don't know why they would think such a thing...every single seller featured in a gift guide or on the front page or in the Storque has been delightfully and stupendously talented.

I've created a treasury listing of some of the best of the best. Each and every artist in this treasury has been a featured seller. I think that one can see for themselves the fine craftsmanship and superior quality that went into each and every piece.

I call this treasury "Featured and Fabulous!" I hope you enjoy it!


  1. Seriously, who would buy a yarn beard? (and why?)

  2. Good question! I have no idea. I'm just waiting for someone to start making some fake yarn pubic hair for all the poor souls who got all their pubes lasered off and are now regretting it.

    I predict fuzz sticking out the leg holes of swimwear is going to be all the rage for Summer 2009.

  3. Someone already has the fake hair undies.



DISCLAIMER: This entire blog is satire, a parody of a certain popular handmade venue. In other words, it's a joke! If you simply *must* contact Betsy Etc to piss and moan about it, please feel free to do so, but understand that you do it at your own risk of being held up for mockery.